Rules and Regulations
This document has been created to allow current and new members to understand the basic rules, regulations and guidelines at any MiniGP event. These rules are an outline only and all racers/ members are explicitly advised that the MiniGP officials will have the final say on any situation that may arise at any event.
Classification or Riders, Classes, Points, and Series
A wide range of classes are offered by MiniGP to ensure adequate opportunities for most types of motorcycles. All of the classes, except for the MiniGP classes and spec classes, are to follow Superbike rules, which means that unlimited modifications to both the engine and chassis are allowed. The bike must only comply with the maximum allowable displacement and wheel size when applicable.
MiniGP or Third Party Inspection company can and will inspect at any time resulting in possible tear down if infractions are suspected. At the time of the inspection, the rider will be asked if there is anything deemed illegal on the motorcycle. If answered yes, the rider will be disqualified for that particular race and will receive no points. If answered no and the inspection reveals the motorcycle to be illegal, the rider will be disqualified from that race and will receive a 3 race suspension.
There are no exceptions to this procedure.
Right of protest:
- Non-Youth Classes: The rider directly affected by a decision taken during a meet under the authority of the MINIGP
- Youth Classes: The parent/guardian of the youth rider directly affected by a decision taken during a meet under the authority of the MINIGP
- A protest of class eligibility of a motorcycle entered should be made within 60 mins of the completion of that race
- No protest can be lodged against a statement of fact pronounced by the Race Director or MINIGP official during the race
Protest Fee:
- For EXTERNAL Component Protest the fee is $100 CASH and must be accompanied by this document
- The external protest will occur on the spot once all protest components are in place
- Should the protest be found to be LEGAL…the $100 fee is given to the protestee
- Should the protest be found to be ILLEGAL…the $100 fee is returned to the protestor and the protestee will be DQ from the classes the infraction has occurred
- For INTERNAL Component Protest the fee is $300 CASH and must be accompanied by this document
- The internal protest will occur at the end of the main events where the motorcycle will remain with race direction and only used to race in the classes. Once Main events are completed the tear down will occur to allow the protestee to participate
- Should the internal protest be found to be LEGAL. The $300 fee is given to the protestee, and the protestor is responsible for 100% of the costs of rebuilding the engine
- Should the internal protest be found to be ILLEGAL…the $300 fee is given back to the protestor and the protestee will be DQ from the classes in which the infraction has occurred.